Season 2 of First Year Project was all about storytelling. I talked to creatives about transitions. I grew more intentional with crafting questions that would result in more conversations about the stories behind these experiences. I also drew from my very own experience with tough transitions—being displaced by a fire in my apartment building (blog post here).
Click here to listen to the Season 2 Trailer.
Role: Owner, Producer, Editor, Host
Project: Season 2 (12 Episodes)
Listen: S2 E3: Go Through It All (with Jozen Cummings)
Context: A fan of Twitter Moments, VIBE Magazine and Bleacher Report’s new Snapchat? If so, you have Jozen Cummings to thank for many of the great work that you know and love. In this episode, Jozen and I talked about perseverance, patience, and money.
Interview Focus: Jozen Cummings is a media professional, and California native based in New York City, who has been at the forefront and end of some crucial shifts in media culture. He was at VIBE Magazine during the abrupt closing, years later followed by starting Twitter Moments with its founding team. My main focus during this interview was to craft questions that would get Jozen to share the stories behind these experiences. Listeners got to hear the stories behind the day VIBE closed, the greatest lesson he learned about money, and so much more.
Photos shot by Liv Slaughter